Read more about our history, our staff, our mission, and how we are organised.
Why SOS Polonia?
The expansion of the European Community in May 2004 has led to the arrival of Eastern European newcomers seeking work in the UK, and many need help to:
- understand the British system, laws and way of life
- overcome isolation and confusion in a new country
- create a peaceful, safe and successful community with no barriers of language faith or nationality
The beginning of a migrant’s life in a new country is never easy. It is like making your way through a jungle of unknown laws and regulations, customs and pitfalls. Therefore we should share our knowledge and experience, draw comfort from each other and dispel fears.
This is why SOS Polonia is here.
SOS Polonia is not an exclusively Polish port of call for support in Southampton.
We often hear a cry of “SOS” from local authorities and organizations who, alarmed by the sudden influx of EU migrants, try to understand what is going on.
We may not have ready answers or instant solutions to all problems but through our network we are able to direct people to experts, resources and those who know how to help.
The work we do may seem to be a drop in the ocean – but there would be no ocean if not for the drops…